External-Identifier: PC.10_20120521113528 External-Description: Uncompressed color archival TIFF, and derived TIFF and JPEG access images of Walters manuscript PC.10, Philoponus's Commentary on the first four books of Aristotle's Physics, with annotations by Galileo Galilei Internal-Sender-Description: Uncompressed color archival TIFF, and derived TIFF and JPEG access images of Walters manuscript PC.10, Philoponus's Commentary on the first four books of Aristotle's Physics, with annotations by Galileo Galilei Internal-Sender-Identifier: PC.10_20120521113528 Bag-Group-Identifier: walters_pc.10 Bag-Count: 1 of 1 Source-Organization: The Walters Art Museum Organization-Address: 600 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Contact-Name: Curator Manuscripts Contact-Phone: +1 410-547-9000 Contact-Email: mss-support@thewalters.org Payload-Oxum: 124654193514.1545 Bagging-Date: 2012-05-21 Bag-Size: 116.1 GB