Source-Organization: The Walters Art Museum Organization-Address: 600 N Charles St Baltimore, MD 21201 Contact-Name: Curator of Manuscripts Contact-Phone: +1 410-547-9000 Contact-Email: External-Description: Uncompressed color archival TIFF, and derived TIFF and JPEG access images of Walters manuscript PC.3, On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life Bagging-Date: 2009-10-07 External-Identifier: PC.3_20091007164840 Bag-Size: 43.46 Bag-Group-Identifier: walters_pc.3 Bag-Count: 1 of 1 Internal-Sender-Identifier: PC.3_20091007164840 Internal-Sender-Description: Uncompressed color archival TIFF, and derived TIFF and JPEG access images of Walters manuscript PC.3, On the origin of species by means of natural selection, or the preservation of favoured races in the struggle for life