External-Identifier: W.652_20100826105003 External-Description: Uncompressed color archival TIFF, and derived TIFF and JPEG access images of Walters manuscript W.652, Marvels of the world Internal-Sender-Description: Uncompressed color archival TIFF, and derived TIFF and JPEG access images of Walters manuscript W.652, Marvels of the world Internal-Sender-Identifier: W.652_20100826105003 Bag-Group-Identifier: walters_w.652 Bag-Count: 1 of 1 Source-Organization: The Walters Art Museum Organization-Address: 600 N. Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Contact-Name: Curator Manuscripts Contact-Phone: +1 410-547-9000 Contact-Email: mss-support@thewalters.org Payload-Oxum: 68470667230.1761 Bagging-Date: 2010-09-14 Bag-Size: 63.8 GB